Payouts may take up to one week as we review your submitted materials to ensure quality and compliance.
You will receive EYE coins, which can easily be converted to USDC or USDT stablecoins using our app. You can withdraw your earnings to your wallet on the Solana or Base blockchains, or you can transfer them to an exchange for conversion.
For better results, carefully read the quest explanations. When streaming your environment, make sure to hold your camera in a way that captures a first-person view (FPV) video. Using a necklace holder can help keep your camera steady and in the right position.
During recording, we use a neural network and AI directly on your phone to remove any data that could identify others before it reaches our servers. If any identifiable information bypasses our filters, we ensure it is removed on our servers as well.
We use your recorded data to develop innovative AI models that will enhance applications in the vision AI space and various other industries.